Sunday, February 28, 2010

1st week's notes

The first week of Homeopathy Study Group was great! We had 10 students attending. It was great to have such interest. We have quite a variety of people who are mostly beginners to Homeopathy. We began with a personal introduction and a brief prayer.
God gave me the idea that the passage in the Bible that Pastor Charles used in his service last Sunday where the Israelites were being bitten by snakes and they created a bronze snake on a pole. All those who had been bitten by snakes looked upon this statue and were healed. Even mothers would hole their infants' heads so that they could gaze upon this This is homeopathy's premise at work. Like treats like. That is what we discussed first. The law of similars.
Mening's 3 laws of cure were also discussed. One is healed from the inside out, top to bottom, and the reverse order of one's symptoms as they were manifest is also the order in which they are healed. When you get a cold, starting with a sore throat, then a runny noswe, and finally a cough. The sore throat will be healed first, then the nose will improve, and the cough will be the last thing to go. This rang true for many.
The cost for joining the class is $33.95- I found out that students do NOT have to join the National Center for Homeopathy- they can just pay $10 for the workbook, $18.95 for the textbook, and I am asking for $5.00 to help pay for the copies. We hope to have the books in 2 weeks.
I wanted to have the questionaire from the Geddes book called Guide to Homeopathy published by DK, but the book is out of print, and I cannot find a copy. The Lord will have to help me gather the right information for the coming week.
We had a great time learning vocabulary like: Vital Force, Succussion, Potency, Potentizing, Repertory, Remedies, Materia Medica.
The remedy that we focused on this week was Arnica- best for sore muscles. Available in gel for topical use, and of course as a remedy.
Please let me know if you are interested in joining us this Thursday. It will be great to have students who are looking for an alternative to chemicals which most medicines are made of.
God bless you!
Lori Morris

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

As I begin this Homeopathic Journey I thought it best to set up the "vacation rule". You know the one, when someone takes an exotic vacation and they want to show you the 200+ pics they took of every flora and fauna and fat butt on beach. You want to run away and organize your socks. I have that same reaction mentally when I think of my fellow students who want to tell me about their mother-in-laws 10 year old ailment- or their own woes with whatever personal illness. We need to set a standard/agreement that we won't share personal cases or ailments with the whole group and expect us all to want to help by taking the homeopathic case. That would be completely counter-productive to a beginning study group.
However, having set up that rule, I need to break it by giving some sort of background as to how I started on this journey that has led me here, 17 years later. Having 3 children brings you quite a share of illnesses, and ailments to deal with. My oldest son in particular was difficult medically. Not horrible, but certainly a challenge. When he was 9 months old, he had tubes put in his ears due to constant ear infections. We tried everything traditional medicine offered. ENT's, Antibiotics, the whole bit. To no avail. At my sister's suggestions, I tried a tincture of Garlic/ Mullein drops for his ears. This worked like a charm! Amazed, I started looking into homeopathy not really realizing at the time that herbal tinctures really aren't homeopathic. I found remedies that worked on a lot of things, and we were off. I have had great success treating: sore throats, allergies, injured animals, nose bleeds, smashed fingers, sore muscles, bronchitis, strep throat, coughs, food poisoning, diarrhea, menstrual problems, nervousness, dizziness, migraines, stomach aches, headaches, vision issues, and on and on.
There are things that Homeopathy has NOT done for us, but that is why I call this a journey and not a trip. We are still moving toward better health. I am still a student after 17 years of study.
I invite you to find out more about Homeopathy, try it out. The wonderful thing is that it works, it is rather inexpensive, there are little or most often, NO side effects, and it is so safe that babies can take remedies. Please join me as I chronicle this experience I am about to embark upon. I start a Homeopathic Study Group and am excited, anxious to get started and unsure as to HOW to get all this information into one hour a week without overwhelming the students. Say a prayer for me. God bless you!!! ~Lori